PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, is a common hormonal disorder affecting women who are fertile. Though the onset usually occurs in adolescence, the symptoms might change over time.
Hormonal imbalances, irregular periods, high testosterone levels, and ovarian cysts can all be symptoms of PCOS. Unusual menstrual cycles, typically accompanied by insufficient ovulation, can pose challenges to conceiving. One major contributor to infertility is PCOS.
Since PCOS is a chronic illness, there is no known cure. On the other hand, medication, lifestyle modifications, and fertility treatments can all help with some symptoms.
PCOS has no known cause, although women who have type 2 diabetes or a family history are more susceptible.
Symptoms :
Among the possible symptoms are:
heavy, protracted, erratic, unpredictable, or nonexistent times
oily or skin acne
excessive facial or body hair
baldness with a male pattern or thinning hair
weight gain, particularly in the abdomen area.
Other health issues that people with PCOS are more likely to experience include:
diabetes type 2
elevated blood pressure, or hypertension
elevated cholesterol
heart conditions
endometrial cancer, or cancer of the uterus’s inner lining.
Incidence of PCOS in India
Few researchers participated in the study to determine the prevalence of PCOS in various parts of India. The extremely limited data indicates that 3.7% to 22.5% of Indians have PCOS. It is very difficult to determine the prevalence of PCOS in India due to very limited data and different regions.
Causes of pcos :
Excess of androgen production
Excess of insulin production
Low grade inflammation
Poor dietary habits
Sedentary lifestyle
Metabolic disorder
Future PCOS / PCOD issues:
Women who are diagnosed with PCOD or PCOS should regularly monitor their health in order to prevent future complications. If PCOD is not treated, it can result in type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other mental health problems because of hormonal imbalance; on the other hand, PCOS can cause major complications down the road, including endometrial cancer, hypertension, hyperglycemia, and pregnancy-related problems like premature birth, preeclampsia, and miscarriage.
Maintain healthy body weight
Regular physical activity
Low carb ,low saturated fats , high protein diet ( vegan protein )
Avoid dairy products and packaged foods
Providing required supplements
Include more of whole foods and fruits in diets as they are rich in antioxidants and has anti inflammatory properties .